

募集要項 / Admisson

  • 募集要項
  • Admissionclick here

1 入学資格


1. 日本国外において、12年の正規の学校教育を修了し、かつ、その教育機関が所在する国の大学入学資格を持っている満18才以上の者。

2. 日本語能力試験N4レベル合格または、J.TEST実用日本語検定E級合格以上の者。


2 募集人員


3 出願手続

1. 出願方法

(3)オンライン願書を提出し、次の【4 出願書類】をそろえて郵送してください。(締切日厳守)


【登録シート ※常時受付※】



2. 出願期間
春学期 第1次募集
2024年10月28日(月)~ 2025年1月15日(水)
秋学期 2025年3月21日(金)~4月22日(火)
3. 出願受付場所

大阪国際大学 国際交流課
〒570-8555 大阪府守口市藤田町6丁目21番57号

4 出願書類

成績証明書 (日本語または英語)
写真 3枚(4cm×3cm 3カ月以内に撮影されたもの)


  • ・預金通帳の写しなどの提出を求める場合があります。
  • ・全ての提出書類は、原本であること。
  • ・提出書類には日本語の翻訳を添付すること。
  • ・提出書類は、すべて3ケ月以内に発行されていること。
  • ・中国からの書類の提出は、可能な限り公証書を付けること。
  • ・出願書類に虚偽の記載があった場合は、入学を取り消します。
  • ・本学が必要と認めた場合、所定外の書類の提出を求める場合があります。

5 入学検定料 – 15,000円


  • ※出願者本人の氏名で振り込むこと。
  • ※日本円以外の送金は受け付けません。
  • ※小切手、現金の送付は受け付けません。
  • ※一旦納入した入学検定料(銀行手数料等諸費含む)は、理由の如何を問わず返金しません。

2.振込方法 検定料は(1)または(2)によって振り込んでください。


日本国内から振り込む場合 15,000円
日本国外から振り込む場合 19,500円(入学検定料15,000円+銀行手数料等諸費4,500円)

〈振込先〉りそな銀行(SWIFT CODE:DIWAJPJT)阿部野橋支店
(普通)口座 No.2961166
〒545-0052 大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋1-5-10-100
〒570-8555 大阪府守口市藤田町6-21-57
TEL.06-6907-4306(直通) FAX.06-6907-4324(直通)

(2)国際学費決済サービス Flywire

国際学費決済サービス Flywire QRコード

6 選考方法


面接日 :2025年1月24日(金)

7 合否通知

春学期 第1次募集:2024年11月8日(金)
秋学期 2025年5月13日(火)

8 入学手続き(入学許可書発行)


春学期 第1次募集:2024年11月8日(金)〜11月18日(月)
秋学期 2025年5月13日(火)〜5月23日(金)

9 入国査証(ビザ)取得手続き

1. 日本へ入国する前に日本国在外公館で査証(ビザ)の申請を行い、必ず「留学」の査証を持ち、日本に入国すること。

2. 入国査証(ビザ)取得に必要な「在留資格認定証明書」の申請は、本学が代理申請を行います。

10 入学許可の取り消し

1. 出願書類および入学手続き書類に虚偽があった場合は、入学許可を取り消します。

2. 正当な理由なく、本学が定める期限までに来学できない場合は、入学を取り消します。

11 入学金および授業料

入学手続き納入分 前期納入分 後期納入分
入学金 100,000円
授業料 285,000円 285,000円
合計 100,000円 285,000円 285,000円
春学期 第1次募集:2024年11月18日(月)
秋学期 2025年5月23日(金)
春学期 2025年2月25日(火)
秋学期 2025年8月15日(金)


1 Requirements for Admission

Persons who satisfy both 1 and 2 below

1. Students who are 18 years of age or over, have successfully completed a total of 12 years of official school education and satisfy the requirements for admission to university in the country concerned.
Or students who have been recognized by the President of OIU as fulfilling the equivalent of the above requirements.

2. Students who have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test N4 level or higher or J.TEST (Test of Practical Japanese) E level or higher.
However, Japanese language proficiency may also be assessed in an equivalent official Japanese language examination or Japanese language test conducted by SJSFS. Moreover, admission decisions may also be based on interviews conducted by phone, Skype, etc.

※However, as a rule, applications will not be open to students who have been enrolled for more than one year with another Japanese language education institution inside Japan by the day of admission to SJSFS.

2 Number of Students Accepted

100 students (Moriguchi Campus)

3 Application Procedure

1. Method of Application

(1) Submit the “Preliminary Application Sheet”.
(2) Fill out the online application form that you are sent by email.
(3) Submit the online application form and mail the application documents listed in 4 by post. (Documents must arrive by the deadline).
※ You can send the Preliminary Application Sheet at any time regardless of the period of applications.

[Preliminary Application Sheet ※Can be sent any time※】

2. Application Period
Spring admissions 1st Screening
August 1 (Thu)-October 11 (Fri), 2024
2nd Screening (Only for students residing in Japan)
October 28 (Mon), 2024-January 15 (Wed), 2025
Fall admissions March 21 (Fri)-April 22 (Tue), 2025
3. Application Receiving Location

Osaka International University International Exchange Center
6-21-57 Tohda-cho, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka 570-8555, JAPAN
TEL.06-6907-4306 FAX.06-6907-4324
E-mail: adkokusai@oiu.jp

4 Application Documents

Documents to be submitted
Statement of Study Purpose at OIU (OIU official form)
International Student Financial Support Form (OIU official form)
Submission Sheet for Receipt of Payment of Application Fee (OIU official form)
Certificate of Health (OIU official form)
Graduation Certificate (in Japanese or English)
 Students who graduated from High School or University : Graduation certificate from your last institution of education
 Students who are currently enrolled at High School or University: : Certificate of enrollment or certificate of expected graduation
Official transcript (in Japanese or English)
 Students who graduated from High School or University : Official transcript from your last institution of education
Students who are currently enrolled at High School or University :
Latest official transcript from your current school
Copy of a Certificate of Result/Score for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test or J.TEST practical Japanese language test
Alternatively, a document (in Japanese or English) that proves your Japanese language proficiency
Copy of your passport (if a passport has already been obtained)
Send a copy of the photo page, and any pages that show records of visits to Japan.
Certificate of bank account balance (original)
Certificate describing the relationship between the applicant and guarantor
(certificate issued by an official agency)
Proof of existing employment (or business permit if self-employed) of guarantor
Guarantor’s proof of income and certificate of tax payment for the previous 3 years : Document(s) issued by a company (companies)
[Chinese national applicants residing outside Japan]
Color photo of household registration and a Japanese translation
[All foreigners residing in Japan (regardless of nationality)]
Student registration certificate and certificate of attendance, if enrolled in a Japanese language school, etc.
Three ID photos (4cm x 3cm, shot within the past 3 months)


  • - You may be required to submit a copy of your bank book.
  • - All documents must be submitted as originals.
  • - All documents must have a corresponding Japanese translation attached.
  • - Documents must have been issued from their respective sources within 3 months of their submission.
  • - When submitting documents from China, please attach letters or notarization whenever possible.
  • - Any false statements in the application documents will results in nullification of admission.
  • - You may be asked to submit other documents not specified here if OIU deems it necessary.

5 Application Fee - 15,000 yen

1.Application fee telegraphic transfer deadline: Transfer must be made by the application deadline day.

 ※Remittance must be made in the name of the applicant.

 ※Transfer the fee in Japanese yen. No foreign currency will be accepted.

 ※Cash and checks will not be accepted.

 ※The application fee (including bank handling fee, etc.) is non-refundable, regardless of circumstances.

2.The application fee can be transferred by either (1) or (2) below.

(1) Bank transfer

 If transferring from inside Japan: 15,000 yen

 If transferring from outside Japan: 19,500 yen (application fee 15,000 yen + bank handling fee, etc. 4,500 yen)

 (Transfer to) Resona Bank (SWIFT CODE: DIWAJPJT) Abenobashi Branch

 Account No: 2961166 (Ordinary Savings Account (Futsu))

 1-5-10-100 Abeno-suji, Abeno-ku, Osaka 545-0052, JAPAN

 (Recipient) Osaka International University

 6-21-57 Tohdacho, Moriguchi-shi, Osaka 570-8555, JAPAN

 TEL.06-6907-4306 FAX.06-6907-4324

(2) International education expanses settlement service Flywire
 Access Flywire from the following URL or QR code and remit the fee:


6 Selection Method

Selection will be made based on examination of the submitted documents and, if deemed necessary, interview. The date/time and location of interview will be notified to the relevant applicants.

Interviews for secondary screening for Spring admission will be conducted as follows.

Interview date: January 24 (Fri), 2025

Interview venue: Osaka International University

7 Notification of Acceptance

Dates of notification to applicants

Spring admissions 1st Screening: November 8 (Fri), 2024
2nd Screening: February 14 (Fri), 2025
Fall admissions May 13 (Tue), 2025

Inquiries concerning acceptance or non-acceptance decisions will not be accepted.

8 Admission Procedure (Issue of Admission Permit)

Successful applicants will receive notification of acceptance together with the prescribed admission forms from the university. Please complete these documents and submit them to the university during the period indicated below. The entrance fee must also be paid at this time.

The Approval of Enrollment form will be issued upon completion of the above procedures.

Period of Procedure (Submission of documents and payment of entrance fee)
Spring admissions 1st Screening: November 8 (Fri)-18 (Mon), 2024
2nd Screening: February 14 (Fri)-25 (Tue), 2025
Fall admissions May 13 (Tue)- 23 (Fri), 2025

9 Procedure for Acquiring Entry Visa

1. Before entering Japan, students must obtain official Japanese government permission to enter and stay in Japan for study (i.e. student visa) from a Japanese embassy or consulate.

2. OIU will conduct proxy application for the “Certificate of Eligibility” that is required to obtain the visa.

10 Cancellation of Admission

1. If any information submitted in the application documents or admission procedure documents is found to be false, Approval of Enrollment will be cancelled.

2. If a student fails to attend OIU by the starting date without a valid reason, admission will be cancelled.

11 Entrance Fees and Tuition Fees

Actual Fees for FY2024
procedure fee
First semester Second
Entrance fee 100,000yen
Tuition fee 285,000yen 285,000yen
Total 100,000yen 285,000yen 285,000yen
Deadline for entrance fee (the same deadline as for the admission procedure)
Spring admissions 1st Screening: November 18 (Mon), 2024
2nd Screening: February 25 (Tue), 2025
Fall admissions May 23 (Fri), 2025
Deadline for tuition fee (scheduled)
Spring admissions February 25(Tue), 2025
Fall admissions August 15 (Fri), 2025

※In principle, entrance fee and tuition fee payments already received will not be refunded under any circumstances.
If the Certificate of Eligibility or student visa cannot be issued, the paid entrance fee and tuition fee will be refunded. (However, if the Certificate of Eligibility or student visa cannot be issued due to false entry on the application form or Certificate of Eligibility, the entrance fee will not be refunded).