


Leon, Abram (リオン アブラム)
氏名 Leon, Abram (リオン アブラム)
英文 Leon, Abram
大学名 大阪国際大学
学部 国際教養学部
学科 国際観光学科
職階 准教授
学位 修士 (教育MS.Ed in TESOL)/テンプル大学ジャパンキャンパス大阪)
所属学会 JALT(全国語学教育学会) JACET(大学英語教育学会)
研究分野 Multilingualism, L2 Vocabulary Acquisition, English for Specific Purposes
研究業績 【論文】(Publications)
1. Applying TBLT with young learners: Implementing series of linked tasks in a kindergarten class. Proceedings of the TBLT in Asia 2018 Conference, 5–15, Feb. 2019.
2. Comparing levels of graded readers: Examining vocabulary coverage and repetition. Temple University Japan (TUJ) Studies in Applied Linguistics: Teaching Vocabulary in an EFL Context, (128), 2–8. Jul. 2019.
3. The top ten ideas for teaching vocabulary. TUJ Studies in Applied Linguistics: Teaching Vocabulary in an EFL Context, (128), pp. 59-64. Jul. 2019.
4. Syllabus design for a kindergarten third-year immmersion class. TUJ Studies in Applied Linguistics: Approaches to Teaching English to EFL Learners, (129), 1-10, Aug. 2019.
5. Assessing guided induction methods in improving accuracy of English articles. TUJ Studies in Applied Linguistics (In press).

【発表】 (Presentations)
1. Applying TBLT with young learners: Implementing series of linked tasks in a kindergarten class, TBLT in Asia 2018, Ryukoku University, Jun. 2018.
2. Investigating vocabulary size of children in an immersion kindergarten class, 21st Annual TUJ Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Temple University Japan Campus Osaka Center, Feb. 2019.
3. Investigating child vocabulary size in an immersion class, Kyoto JALT Mini-Conference, Ritsumeikan University, Mar. 2019.
4. Picture Vocabulary Size Test: Trial in EFL Context, JALT 45th Annual International Conference, Nagoya, Nov. 2019.
