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準優秀賞【英語エッセー部門】 世界に触れて感じたこと 静岡県立浜松西高等学校中等部 3年 小澤 俊哉

Have you ever spent a few days without using some form of technology? I'm guessing that not many of you have gone very long without sending an email, or posting something on Instagram. I recently went to Shanghai, where I could not do such things, as there were restrictions on using certain networks there. The time that I spent without electronics was a thought-provoking experience that made me realize some significant things.

At first, I wanted nothing more but to see what was going on in the world and found that receiving zero information was very inconvenient. As time went by, however, I gradually focused more on enjoying my time there while I could. This enabled me to not only have more conversations, but also to better observe Chinese culture, since I wasn't infatuated with my phone.

Nevertheless, the first thing that I did after landing in Japan was checking what I had missed. I had been back for only a few minutes and already my brain was filled with information. Surprisingly, I didn't feel too ecstatic about it. I actually felt nostalgic for the days when I didn't feel the need to update my news feed every 10 seconds just to read that someone had gone to Disneyland. Being away from somewhere where almost everyone could connect with the world through Wi-Fi had been an enriching experience.

Nowadays, when we ride trains to work or wait for our food to arrive at a restaurant, it is normal to see people play on their phones. It's disappointing to think that we rely so much on technology and prefer to play on such devices rather than do something else. I admit that it would be difficult to quit using technology altogether, seeing how it has become an essential part of our society today. Thus, I believe that we must think how to best balance the time that we use and don't use such devices. Being away from Japan encouraged me to rethink how to use technology and spend time more valuably. After all, we are only given 24 hours in a day. So, the next time you find yourself pulling your phone out, tell yourself to put it away, and go for a walk—it's the perfect remedy to clear your head!
